Thursday, 26 June 2014

Look into my eyes and trust me

"Look straight ahead into the flashing light. Keep your eye focused straight ahead… not much longer.  Great we’re all done." And so it was that, last week, I got laser eye surgery at London Vision Clinic. In about 20 minutes, my 20 years of glasses and contact lenses were history.

The procedure was quick and painless and so is the recovery and it’s just a pity it took me two years to pluck up the courage to have it done.  The decision making process was long but very straightforward due to the fact I have spent the better part of my marketing career in the healthcare industry and know my way around.  The information search was as routine as the surgery - I knew which clinics had the best reputation and I checked out the top surgeons (some I knew of anyway) and so I was confident in my choice.  What took the time was courage development!

So what about those who don’t have that knowledge?  How do they evaluate the alternatives?  All surgery has risks and for so-called elective procedures these must be more carefully evaluated especially for more radical cosmetic procedures such as liposuction.  Rates of cosmetic surgery in the UK are high – nips and tucks are booming business.  There is a plethora of procedures and a vast range of clinics to choose from.

The advertising is similar, the positive website reviews don’t vary too much, the before and after pictures are mainstream so does it come down to deciding which surgeon is the best?  Well that was what clinched it for me – but apparently a third of those opting for cosmetic surgery are flocking to clinics abroad for cut-price procedures and a suntan too.  That’s a great holiday to have if all goes well, but it often doesn’t and cosmetic tourists return home with poor results as well as jet lag and duty free.

The price dictating the quality of the surgery has got to be a bad idea.  I am all for bargain hunting on the high street but getting smoked salmon from Aldi is hardly what we’re talking about here. 

The post-purchase evaluation for me is overwhelmingly positive and none of the associated risks materialised.  I have paid a bit more than others with the same result but you can’t put a price on peace of mind.

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