Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Top Tips for Dyslexic Marketing Students

Dyslexic learners, those with a visual learning style and students who struggle to organise or plan their work can benefit enormously from using mind mapping software to create a visual snapshot of a whole module. If you are studying intensively, you will generate a wide range of resources, slide decks, annotated notes, case studies and examples on top of the recommended study and core text. When class tuition ends and it's time to start writing the assignment or revising, it can be hard to know where to start when faced with so much information!

A mind map can capture the key themes, examples and constructs of your module in one neat interactive image which you can add to week by week, colour code, annotate, print off and even stick on your fridge...

The software allows you to create a main heading breaking it down by levels of subheadings to create a hierarchical structure. Like a company organisational chart, you can add boxes that are on the same level (siblings) or as a sublevel (child).

Start with your lesson topics and break them down into sub-topics, then add key models, or use your questions as headings when assignment planning. You can add examples, quotes, show interrelationships, allocate word count and identify gaps in your logic and storytelling in an instant.

Mind maps are particularly effective for dyslexic learners because they help connect the loose ends, showing connections with previously learned theories and helping knowledge move into the long term memory. Some programs are very visual allowing you to use images as well as text. Check the app store on your smartphone or tablet for mind mapping software, or try a free online resource like https://bubbl.us

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