Our good intentions to blog about The Apprentice waned pretty quickly this series... far too many candidates and the same tired tasks throwing up the same issues as in previous years: the candidates can't count, can't navigate their way around London and market research is the work of the devil according to Lord Sugar. I found the lack of fundamental business skills frustrating. Surely this is a great way to encourage young entrepreneurs by giving them some entertaining yet educational programming in a primetime slot?
So we were left with two business ideas with big flaws... I shouted at the television a lot when Roisin left... if it was just about the business idea, why didn't they sift through them during auditions? Bianca wanted to do tights in all the sizes, colours and derniers for 20 quid and Mark wanted to create an old skool SEO agency; I never really understood why he was launching the business he worked in 6 years ago! I also didn't quite work out why he was going to be so much better at this than anyone else when as far as I can work out, only Google knows the 200 odd algorithms that determine SEO anyway.
Lord Sugar clearly felt more comfortable with a technology business and Mark's business idea was a better bet for making a quick profit even if it wasn't terribly original. Bianca's idea was interesting but would require far too much start-up cash to generate enough inventory. Stores would only have enough space for a certain number of pantones meaning customers would be faced with the same choice of nude, tan or nearly black anyway, meaning the USP would be lost. It seems the premium price point was a risk Lord Sugar wasn't prepared to take. Out of the two ideas, the best idea won but I was left distinctly underwhelmed. I didn't find it educational and I didn't find it particularly entertaining and yet it's going to return for a new series. The Apprentice: isn't it about time you were fired?
The Apprentice is now well past it's sell buy date. In my personal opinion, the reason show appears to offer little in the way of new business insights and tips is that the show is more geared towards audience and contestant manipulation to produce an entertainment show that can sustain it's audience over the several weeks it is on air. And you have every right to call me cynical.